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As explained in the Technologies used, we need Pusher as our WebSockets provider for the Real-Time Synchronization.

For this matter, we need to create a Pusher account and login to pusher dashboard to continue.

Create Pusher App

We need to create a new pusher Channels app in order to continue, so you can do it yourself dude, I'm not gonna record a youtube tutorial for how you can create an app in Pusher, you are a developer! don't act like a baby.

You can choose any name and cluster you want, but for tech stack, you may need to choose Vue for FrontEnd, PHP for the BackEnd and Vacation for the WeekEnd.

Getting App Keys

After creating the app, you can navigate to the App Keys section and copy the app_id, key, secret and cluster values, since we are going to use them in the Environment Variables.