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Setting Up the BackEnd

After reading the Technologies used in backend and Setting up the FrontEnd, We are ready to continue the setup, build and deployment process of the DPXWallet's BackEnd.

We obviously need PHP to be installed and some basic knowledge of Laravel and experience of deploying Laravel projects.


Basically, Our entire backend is just a Laravel powered API and there are tons of methods and environments to deploy Laravel, I recommend you reading Deployment of Laravel projects in Laravel's official documentations. You only need to provide the correct Environment Variables.

General Guide

After ensuring that our server meets the Requirements of a Laravel Project. We have to change our Working Directory to api folder, since it's the folder containing our backend code:

cd api
cd api

Installing Dependencies

At this step, we need to install our project's dependencies. We use Composer as our package manager.

composer install
composer install

Migrating Database

Our database structure is stored as Laravel migrations, so we need to run our migrations to create the tables.

php artisan migrate
php artisan migrate


This step requires correct setup of Environment Variables, otherwise you will face errors.

Serving the project

You can serve the project by running the command below:

php artisan serve
php artisan serve


The project is fully compatible with Laravel Octane and we recommend using it.

Final words

I am not sure that the information provided on this page is sufficent or not, since the backend is just a very basic Laravel project, I don't think it's correct to copy/paste the Laravel Docs here, that's why I believe that you must read Laravel Docs.

Also it's worth mentioning that Deploying a Laravel project is just a composer install and .env editing and serving, but this could be very difficult task if you are not a PHP developer, so you have to learn Laravel from other sources, not from this guide.